Welcome to the new school year!

Dear parents, guardians, and staff,  Dear members of the school community,  With this letter we would like to encourage you to join the Friends of WMIS e.V.: Your annual financial contribution and in-kind support help strengthen the school with digital essentials, class materials, class projects, field trips, library support, staff trainings and many more.  Who

Education Budget 2021/22 end-of-year update

A total of 12.500 EUR were raised during the year against a total spending of 13.900 EUR. The gap could be filled by the carry-over from the previous year. The WMIS education budget has been created to fund education material and services that are out of the scope of the regular state budget and from

WMIS4Peace collects more than 1200 Euro

This week, WMIS organized its WMIS4Peace festival. It started with a cultural program full of musical and poetic performances – featuring the school choir, the orchestra, and many of our talented kids. Following this program, parents and school organized a great fundraiser to support two Ukrainian initiatives – a charity for Ukrainian children’s books and

Now possible: supporting WMIS while shopping online

It is now possible to support our school when shopping online. If you shop at some of the more than 6000 partner shops, a small share of your spending is donated to the Friends of WMIS. How? Just visit https://www.wecanhelp.de/wmis/ for a list of all the partner shops such as Decathlon, Ikea, Thalia, Esprit, myToys

WMIS Shop launched

On Friday, 10 September, the new school logo was publicly launched during the school show. In preparation for this day, the FRIENDS have been working behind the scenes to launch the new WMIS Shop, featuring a number of items with the new school logo – so we can all showcase our school’s great spirit. At

WMIS collected 8500€ for 2020/21 education budget

Last school year (2020/21), the Friends, in close collaboration with the school management and the parent board (GEV) have established a designated educational budget. It allows us to better meet the special needs of our young and growing bilingual school – needs that are not covered by WMIS’ ordinary school budget provided by the Berlin

Friends fund Känguru maths competition for 3rd & 4th graders

Mathematical Kangaroo (German: Känguru der Mathematik) is an international mathematics competition in over 77 countries with over 6 million participants. The competition is held annually on the third Thursday of March and consists of problems in multiple-choice form that are not-standard notebook problems and come from a variety of topics. Besides basic computational skills, they require

Limit for donations without donation receipt increased

As of January 1, 2021, the limit for donations for which a donation receipt is not required increased from 200 to 300 euros. This means, that for donations up to 300 euros (for example your Friends membership fees or your donations to the educational budget), a cash deposit receipt (Bareinzahlungsbeleg) or the bank’s booking confirmation
